After the article about his photographic work, Karthik was so kind as to grant us an interview. You can get a glimpse of his photographic work here.



Could you please tell us something about yourself?
My name is Karthik Pasupathy and I am from chennai. I am a biotechnologist by education, software developer by profession and photographer by passion.

Can you briefly tell us about your photographic background? When did you start taking photographs, how did you start?
Right from a very young age i had the urge to take photos. I had Yashica Automatic Film camera with me, but i couldn’t get involved much as the film process was expensive. Then i got a Digital camera in 2010 and that made things really easy and interesting. From 2011 i was seriously into photography.
Initially i was taking pictures in our backyard looking for insects, butterflies and bugs. Later i realised that this is not everything. I strongly believe that the world starts at your doorstep and stepping out makes all the difference. And i am happy to say that i followed what i believed and i was never disappointed

What photographic style do you prefer? Would you like to specialize in a specific area, such as street photography or portrait / landscape photography?
I am doing photography for 3 years now and i prefer streets scenes and environmental portraits than landscapes and macros. I like to cover a subject or scene under a wider angle rather than getting closer. It’s complete injustice to call myself a street photographer now. I’d rather say that i would like to develop my skills to become a better street photographer in the coming days.
I prefer street photography as i can capture a lot of different characters in the same instance, their subliminal interactions and weird coincidences. It is a lot of fun to watch out for these things when you are out with your camera. It might give you less number of photos but the search for it makes all the difference.


Can you tell us how your work flows from the moment you get the idea to the stage of final presentation?
Whenever i step out with my camera , i think less and look more. I won’t have any pre-determined idea for a project or series when i go out. I work on the spot. As soon as i take a photograph i imagine which processing style will suit perfectly (Black and white or color). If I sense more scope then i would go for a photo series than walking back with a single photograph.

Could you possibly provide a tip to the amazing street photograph style, how much the pictures are processed afterwards, and what else one should take into consideration?
My only tip for street photography is , keep looking. A scene can get a lot interesting within a fraction of a second. You should always be ready to press the shutter. After taking pictures i don’t process them much. I mostly edit them using Camera RAW. Add a few effects in photoshop if necessary. Before processing your images, you should make sure which style will be suitable to enhance them. Go for a couple of trials and compare them to decide on which one is the best. Post processing of the images should be given equal care because it helps us in presenting the image in a neat way.

In your opinion, what constitutes the art of producing extraordinary street photographs, and what are the characteristics of a good picture in this field?
Perspective , judgement and skill are the key to extraordinary street photography. According to me the characteristics of a good picture includes the subject, the scene and the light play.

What equipment do you use and what are your favorite focal lengths?
I started my photography journey with a point and shoot camera , Canon Powershot A480. Now I own a Canon EOS 550D with a 18-55mm kit lens. I always prefer a wider frame like 18mm to take photographs.


What characterizes your work in comparison to other street photographers / landscape photographers?
That’s a tricky question. I am not a dedicated street photographer. I still take photographs under a variety of genres. I still need to refine the way i take pictures.I can’t compare my works to any other street photographer as i haven’t developed my own style. It will take some time for me to get my own style. I think at that point of time i will be ready to compare. In photography, the destiny is mostly unknown, but the journey is fun.

Were there interesting incidents in your photo shoots, whether funny, embarrassing or sad?
During the initial days of my photography i once clicked the picture of two kids who were living in a construction site nearby. Their mom and dad worked in the construction site and the kids play in the vicinity. The picture came out well , so i had it printed out and handed it over to their mother. She was in tears after seeing the image. She told me that her kids were 10 years old and nobody has taken their photo until now. I felt that i have accomplished something. I gave the kid’s parents an everlasting memory. It was a moment that made me realise that photography is a great medium for communication.

What are the most important experiences you had during your photographic career?
I consider every photo walk and every photo shoot in the past three years as an experience. Every body i saw, every place i went and every interaction i made with a fellow photographer made me to evolve to the next level. Like its said that the flutter of a butterfly can result in hurricanes somewhere else , every experience has its impact on your life directly or indirectly. So its hard for me to ignore any or specify some.

What advice would you give to a newbie for his/her photographic career?
Don’t look for a DSLR to start your photography. Not having a DSLR is not really an impostor for those who think of doing photography. If you have the interest in you , even a point and shoot or mobile camera will do fine. Start clicking and keep clicking.


Were you inspired by other photographers, and if so, which ones?
I am a great fan of Steve Mccurry. He has always been my inspiration. The other legendary photographers who inspire me are Pedro Luis Raota and Sebastiao Salgado.
I also follow some new age Indian photographers like Ashok Saravanan (Ay Ashok) and Mahesh Balasubramanian who have been with me whenever i needed them. I would like to thank them here.

Do you have a dream for photography that you would like to fulfill?
My dream is to travel the length and Breadth of my country and capture its cultural essence.

Would you like to tell us about something that is important to you?
A lot of newbies think about stepping into commercial photography the moment they get their camera. This thought might not be helpful for all. My advice is that they should take their time in considering what’s right and what’s wrong and how they would be able to make a difference if they enter into the commercial race with other competitors in the market. Consider photography as fun or a serious art form. When it eventually takes you to commercial platform go along with it. Don’t push yourselves too much. It will give nothing but bitter experiences.

Thank you very much for this interview. We will follow your progress in photography and will continue to be inspired by it.
I thank Phictures for this opportunity. It was great!. I really had fun answering all the question. I wish Phictures all the very best for their future endeavors. Thank you.
